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Teachers demonstrate high standards for professional conduct.

With my placement at Loveland High, I had the privilege to help them plan their AP Art Show. We were extremely lucky and were able to coordinate a show in the Gregory Allicar Museum of Art on CSU’s campus. As an educator this meant helping with communicating alongside my mentor with museum staff, re-iterating museum etiquette, and coordinating a short field trip to the museum so students could explore the space that would be hosting their art. 
As a teacher leading and chaperoning a field trip, I was a key representative of my school, my students, and my profession. The way in which I conducted myself and guided how my students acted demonstrated professionalism and respect.



Teachers link professional growth to their professional goals.

As an educator (and in my personal life), I strive to grow and pursue lifelong learning. In this time of student teaching, I have been taking feedback from my mentors, focusing on those goals, and working to see productive changes and progressions. Sometimes my goals are just for myself- things like learning to speak louder, or creating lesson slides that are clearly legible and simple to understand. Other paths for growth in my profession may come from district or school-specific goals, such as incorporating special content focuses like IB Learner Profiles or STEM and Problem-Based-Learning. 



Teachers respond to a complex, dynamic environment.

Two weeks into my placement at Loveland High School, there was a freak accident and there was an Ethylene Glycol leak that contaminated the air in several classrooms in the art hall. our art class swiftly adapted, relocating to various classrooms and the library. Despite the unforeseen circumstances, I remained composed, adjusting lesson delivery and addressing student concerns, showcasing adaptability in response to a dynamic environment. This experience sharpened my ability to respond effectively to ever-changing environments, a crucial skill for educators, even in situations with unique circumstances or interactions. 



Teachers demonstrate leadership in the school, the community, and the teaching profession. 

At Skyview, my mentor teacher was one of a few host teachers for an after-school Student Leadership Club. For one of the meetings, I directed conversations. SLC students are all 5th graders, and at the start of the year they had come up with a list of things that they wanted to see improved- in this meeting, I directed them to re-visit that idea. They reflected on what they thought had effectively changed, what still needed work- and what potential solutions were there for the issues they wanted to continue working to better. I also led the students in brainstorming the activities for their end-of-the-year celebration for SLC. 

Teachers demonstrate professionalism through ethical conduct, reflection, and leadership. 

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